Since returning from the school holidays the students have settled back into the school routine, and are working hard to have a successful Term 3. If you walk the corridors, just at the end of a lesson, you are guaranteed to hear our students saying “thank you” to their teacher. It’s the small things that matter. Our students care for one another and their teachers, and their school. We know that you send your most precious family members to Brighton Secondary College each day knowing that they are cared for, treated with kindness and respect, and challenged with their learning.
As educators we know our students are working at different levels, and we can see when our students work hard and put in the extra effort to achieve their personal best. Our teachers at Brighton Secondary College have high expectations. High academic expectations are linked to both student engagement and wellbeing and can also impact the teaching practices that students experience in the classroom. This is the culture we have at Brighton Secondary College. We value our students, we listen to our students and prioritise their needs.
Our House and Sport Student Leaders, supported by Mr Danny Chalk (Leading Teacher Student Voice), have been working hard behind the scenes to build student connectedness and House spirit. We have had House netball games at lunchtime, which has showcased some of our very talented netballers in the school. I know the teachers are feeling nervous for the anticipated Staff vs Students netball game coming up in a few weeks!
Every year our school community generously supports the ASRC Food Drive, as part of our International Week at BSC. This Tuesday our dedicated SRC leaders (Lauren Batchelder, Henry Fletcher, Tamia Jung-Phelan, Jennifer McLaughlin and Mikey Megahan) and staff Mr Danny Chalk and Ms Jess De Neef delivered our donations. I would like to thank all our families, and staff who donated.
Our Year 9 cohort and VCE Outdoor & Environmental Studies class were both out on camp this week, and it was great to hear so many of our students enjoy this experience. I would like to thank our teachers Ms Walter, Ms Inglese, Mr Birkinhead, Ms Khattab, Ms Tsimbis, Ms Giffin, Ms Hemphill, Ms Brown, Ms Boyd, Ms Brinley and Mr Mottram who all attended the camps over the week, and I’m sure are all looking forward to catching up with some sleep over the weekend.
Have a lovely weekend with your family.
Leisa Higgins
Acting Principal