General News
"From the College Archives"
From the time of the inception of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) at St. Peter’s College, it was customary for the graduating class to leave the college a legacy. The word ‘legacy’ comes from the Latin word ‘Legare’; a verb that means to send as an ambassador. You may recognise the root of delegate and delegation in the Latin word. The noun form meant an ambassador or envoy, but the meaning gradually came to mean a gift or property left behind. The graduating classes of St. Peter’s College have left various legacies. The Class of 2002 donated altar cloths to the newly arrived chapel. Another legacy was the water feature in the teachers’ garden that adjoined the old staffroom. Since 2013, the legacy of each graduating class has been the same: an individual tree that lines the driveway adjacent to the Pat Grant Oval at the Cranbourne Campus. There are now ten trees, representing the Classes of 2013 to 2022, that line the drive. There is also the provision of more trees to come. At the base of each tree is a plaque that records the graduating year, i.e., Class of 2013 etc. and a simple message that the tree is a gift to the community of St. Peter’s College. It is a wonderful, natural way for each graduating class to commemorate their time as students at St. Peter’s College. Even though there is a Clyde North campus, the name of the College is St. Peter’s College, Cranbourne. Therefore, the trees acknowledge the VCE students from both Cranbourne and Clyde North.
St. Peter, Pray for Us.
Greg Nelson
College Archivist
Congratulations to the St Peter's College Swinburne Space Challenge 2023 team!!!
St Peter's College had a team of six Year 11 science students participate in the 2023 Swinburne Youth Innovation Space Challenge.
- The challenge included weekly meetings with a Swinburne University mentor, weekly challenges to be submitted and an overall Pitch to solve a problem encountered in Space and Space Exploration.
- After all pitches were given feedback, St Peter's College can be proud to have been in the Highly Commended category with two other teams out of 22 total submitted pitches. The pitch was graded on: Originality, the identified Problem/Need, the Solution, Knowledge and Research, Viability and overall Presentation.
- St Peter's Was awarded their High Commendation on June 21st, 2022.
Congratulations are extended to: Dhyey Parekh, Dezino Noronha, Neil Gliane, Vinuk Kumaraperu Arachchige Don, Nikeith Krishnan and Jonathan Evans for their Pitch on proposing to edit microorganisms' genes using CRISPR technology to be able to digest metals, to solve the problem of reducing space debris. They truly exemplified the ROCKS, where they organised their time, collaborated well, worked with each team member's strengths and respectfully challenged team members' ideas in order to submit a wonderful idea.
Congratulations!! We certainly thought your idea was wonderfully researched, well presented and unique; certainly winners in our eyes!
Mrs Balder, Mr Wall
Kindest regards,
Mrs Irene Balder
Science Coach
The link to the Trybooking page for tickets to the show is HERE
Ticket prices are listed and tickets are on sale NOW!
St. Peter’s College Parents & Friends
The Executive may be contacted through the College:
President: Ms Naomi Bartlett (College Advisory Board Representative)
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: Mrs Marzena Mansilla
P&F Committee Representative on College Advisory Committee: Ms Naomi Bartlett
To Contact St. Peter's College Parents & Friends Executive:
Entertainment Fundraising:
Each year St. Peter’s College P&F with staff and students raise vital funds for our sister school Bishop Epalle Catholic College in the Solomon Islands.
This year we are kicking off our campaign with 20% of each sale of the ‘Entertainment’ membership to go towards their computer lab requirements, with the aim of further linking their Senior students with our St. Peter’s College Senior students and teachers.
And there is something in it for you too. With your membership you can save well over the cost of your membership in discounts on holiday activities, dining, travel, shopping and much much more.
The Entertainment Book is a local, national and international restaurant and activity guide which provides hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the finest restaurants, cafes, attractions, activities, retailers and hotel accommodation.
Membership gives you exclusive offers that are virtually restriction free, offers to enjoy all year long.
The Entertainment Digital Membership puts the value of the Entertainment Book into your Apple or Android smartphone. With ‘near me’ technology and the ability to show and save using your phone, this is perfect for the person on-the-go, with no Card or Voucher to present.
By clicking on the link below you will ensure that the fundraising dollars from each membership purchased comes to St. Peter’s College Fundraising initiatives.