Last week was the Parenting in the Digital World session. An excellent link they shared for parents wasDigi Talk – online safety hub for parents.


There were also a lot of other great links for parents which you can find on the school website here.


Murrumbeena Primary School is an eSmart school. eSmart is an initiative of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation. This initiative helps teachers, librarians and the greater community to best manage cyber risks, bullying and cyber bullying issues so students feel safe and supported. This Framework sits across the entire community – teachers, students, parents and the library community.


eSmart Schools is a long-term change program designed to educate, track, monitor and prevent bullying and cyber bullying. eSmart Schools and Libraries are tailor-made and designed to effect change in that specific environment. eSmart Schools also supports schools and libraries to embrace the benefits of technology while reducing childrens’ exposure to cyber risks, such as cyber bullying, online sexual predation, sexting, identity theft and fraud. It is not a band-aid or a quick fix, and, based on documented evidence, it was created to address cyber risks and help schools meet their duty of care.

Our goal is to keep children safe from bullying, cyber bullying and violence. eSmart is a way to achieve this.


Fiona Sewell