Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
The 7/8s have settled well into term 3. We have started swimming this week at the East Keilor Leisure Centre and the students are having lots of fun. The 7/8s have also been learning about NAIDOC week and have completed some hands-on activities. The students are looking forward to the next week of swimming and their upcoming excursion to the library.
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
Year 10 Career Info Excursions
This week, the Year 10 students attended an excursion where they were able to see some courses that they may be able to do next year. Students saw Mechanics, Hospitality, Kitchen Operations, and Hair and Beauty. Last term, students went to Mechanics, CERES, AGA Trade, warehousing, and Food Processing. This is an exciting time as our Year 10s are preparing to move up to Senior Secondary and decide what they might like to do in the future!
This week, students learnt about and celebrated NAIDOC week. The year 9/10s focused on learning about famous Aboriginal people, their culture, their music, their art, and their stories. Students were able to research different aspects of Aboriginal culture. Our 9/10s acknowledge that Aboriginal and Torrest Strait Islander people are the traditional owners of the land that we learn on.
Check out the amazing display Sue, Sandra, and 9/10D created!
Jackson X-press
With a new term comes a new menu for our student-run café program. This term, Gabby, Josie, and 9/10B will be preparing toasties and soup to help keep staff warm through this crazy weather! Students have been hard at work in their new roles.
- 9/10A with Ian, Jasna, and Jo have been working hard looking at finances within a business, ordering food, and calculating profit and loss.
- 9/10B with Gabby and Josie have been working hard to create recipes and practise serving their yummy meals!
- 9/10C with Taleisha and Tamara have been working hard at promoting our business by creating order forms, making posters, and making promotional videos.
- 9/10D with Sue and Sandra have been working hard to practise their service skills, such as attending to customer needs, setting a table, greeting customers, and serving the food.
Special thanks to Dante, Kat, and Helen for supporting all classes in their roles, as well as to our loyal customers! We look forward to serving you this term.
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
Defence Assistance Program
On the 23rd of June 2023, at the end of Term 2, one of our VPC students, Kyra Attard, participated in a one-day work experience program at the Victoria Barracks. This program served as an introduction to the Defence Assistance Program (DAP), which is a collaborative initiative between Defence and the Endeavour Foundation. DAP aims to redefine the possibilities for individuals with
disabilities in the workplace. Through this partnership, the Endeavour Foundation supports Defence personnel in focusing on their core duties while promoting inclusivity and contributing to capability.
During the one-day program, Kyra engaged in various administrative tasks, including document destruction, Defence Internal mail delivery, electronic digitization, record management, and filing. Additionally, she had the opportunity to tour Victoria Barracks and meet the Major General.
What a lovely start to term 3. In week one ASDAN A celebrated NAIDOC week with some creative artwork. We talked about respecting difference and different cultures and the students composed some wonderful indigenous dot paintings.
Jonah, Nicholas, Habsa and Nico creating paintngs for Naidoc week.
On Thursday ASDAN B Travel Trained to Highpoint via Footscray Market. WE took the train from Ginifer station to Footscray and walked Footscray Market where we had morning tea. After a walk around the market, we hopped on the tram to Highpoint where we shopped and had lunch. We caught the public bus back to school.
Devin, James and Duy...Such wonderful students! Enjoying Footscray Market and a journey on the tram!
ASDAN B Waiting for the tram at Footscray
Secondary Students of the Week
- Aijalon- 78A: For starting Term Three with increased confidence and independence. Aijalon has been more involved in class discussions and socializing with others in the class more. Keep up the efforts. Well done!
- Jake: 78B: Learning: For completing his work independently and being a great role model in the class. Well done!
- Hayden: 78C: Independence: For showing resilience when faced with lots of changes. Well done!
- Luca: Safety: For using OK words in the classroom and the playground. Well done!
- Lauren: 78E: Learning: For actively participating in whole group discussion and showing enthusiasm for learning. Well done!