Primary Community News

Foundation (Prep-Year 2)
1/2A have been learning about Naidoc week and the importance of celebrating Indigenous culture and achievements. They have learned about the Aboriginal Flag, symbols, and listened to stories by Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander authors. They have also begun exploring with coins and notes as they are beginning to create a classroom Ice Cream shop. We are excited for the learning to come later this term!
has context menu.
Lower Primary (Years 3-4)
After the school holidays, our students in the year 3 and 4 cohort get back to school with a positive attitude and full of energy to start term 3. This term's focus of learning is ‘Earth and Space Science’. Particularly, students will learn about the daily changes when observing the sky and the landscapes to recognise the seasons of a year and describe the weather conditions. To spark ideas for learning, our students have an opportunity to make ‘Bottles of Seasons’, which helps them identify different seasons and prepare core vocabulary for the up-coming literacy activities. In Numeracy, students will be taking part in ‘Money and Measurement’ learning with a range of hands-on experiences such as Woolworths Shop role-playing and classroom object measuring. Our students also learn facts
about NAIDOC Week and celebrate it by making some Indigenous artwork and performing the Eagle Dance. Our first week of term 3 has finished with lots of fun and joy.
Upper Primary (Years 5-6)
This year 4-6 students have had a great start to Term 3! Students have quickly settled back into classroom routines and expectations. During Week 1, we explored and celebrated NAIDOC Week with the theme this year: For Your Elders. Students read stories, listened to Indigenous music, discussed the meaning of NAIDOC week and created some Indigenous art by drawing symbols on boomerangs.
During Term 3, we will be exploring day and night and how this occurs in Inquiry. Our maths topics this term are measurement and money. Classes will be doing a variety of hands-on activities and will be making an item to sell at a year-level PBIS Friday shop.