Parish News

Weekly bulletins and parish information can be found at:


Mass Times


Week Day Masses (Tuesday and

Thursday): see Parish Diary Dates 

Saturday (2nd and 4th Saturday of the month): 6.00pm 

Sunday: 8.30am


First Sunday of month 11.30am


Third Sunday of month 12.00pm


Reconciliation – Second Saturday of the month at 5.30pm (before 6pm Mass) in St Aug’s Church Kyabram.

Mass of Anointing is held the first Thursday of the month at 10.00am in St Augustine’s Church.


Sandpiper E-News

The link to the latest Sandpiper e-News can be found here: Sandpiper

Home Communion

The Parish offers home Communion. If anyone has a family member or loved one at home requiring Communion, please contact the Parish Office on 5852 1026.

Multi Media Policy

Our Diocese has a multimedia policy that requires permission for photos or videos to be taken at Mass or Church gatherings.From time-to-time photos or videos are taken at special occasions.

These may be used on the web page or Facebook page. If you are not comfortable for your picture to be online please let the Parish Office (5852 1026) or Safeguarding Officer know.

Sacramental Children

This weekend at Mass, our Sacramental children will be presented with workbooks for Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. Please keep them and their families in your prayers as they continue their sacramental journey.

Feast of Mary MacKillop

Tuesday 8th August is the Feast of Mary MacKillop. Please join for Mass at 5.00pm in the Parish Meeting Room in honour of our First Australian Saint. 

Rosary at 4.45pm.

Men's Choir

The men’s choir will be restarting on the 1st Sunday of the month. Please come at 8.00am to practice with Brendon.

Ministry of Lector and Commentator

We are looking for new people to be readers and commentators. If you are interested, please write your contact details on the clipboard in the gathering space or contact the Parish Office. Training will be made available.

Partnership Luncheon

On Thursday 24th August at 1pm, the Parish will be hosting the Partnership Luncheon with student leadership of St Augustine’s school. Parishioners are encourage and welcome to come along. Please RSVP to the Parish Office by Sunday 20th August.

Repeat Notices......

PPC Report 

3 actions to be implemented immediately:

Following the recent ‘Formation Day’ we have made a commitment to three actions to be implemented immediately:

1. Promote our masses through a variety of channels, including a letterbox drop.

2. In the next month we will use the ‘postcard method’ to collect information from parishioners regarding what the PPC are doing well and what we can improve on.

3. Increase Father Johns presence in the school environments, Father John will visit the schools once a month.

Upcoming School Masses:

Everyone is invited to attend the upcoming school masses:

**Thursday 24th August St Patrick’s Grandparents Mass, 11am @ St Patrick’s Church Tongala

**Monday 28th August St Augustine’s Day Mass, 11:30am @ St Augustine’s Brigidine Hall Kyabram


You are also invited to the following:

**Weekly Masses on Thursdays @ 9:15am at St Augustine’s Church Kyabram. These masses are led by different groups of students across the college. They will occur on the following dates:

10th August, 17th August, 24th August and 31st August

 **Fortnightly liturgies on Fridays @ 2:45pm at St Patrick’s Church Tongala. These liturgies are led by different groups of students across the school. They will occur on the following dates:

4th August, 11th August and 1st September

Suggestion Box

Did you know we have a suggestion box in the gathering space? Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed.

New Parishioners

Are you new to the Parish?  We would love to get to know more about you.  There are forms around the church for you to fill in your details so our Pastoral family can reach out to you. Please fill in a form or reach out to one of our parish volunteers to introduce yourself.