Principal Update

Thursday 27th July

Farewell to Anne Matheson 

We will be celebrating Anne’s contribution to the Menzies Creek school community on Friday 18 August.  Anne has been teaching at MCPS for 24 years so it is only fitting that we send off her off into retirement with an opportunity to say thank you

Not all is lost, as Anne will be a replacement teacher when her schedule allows, which as it turns out will be tomorrow!  Please see the attached flyer. 


2024 Foundation Enrolments – Due Date 

A reminder to any families with Prep students starting in 2024 that Enrolment Forms are due by tomorrow. Please contact the office on 9754 3695 or by email at to ask for a form. Please also contact us if you have any queries. It would be great if you could pass this information on to any families you know of who may wish to enrol their Foundation child for next year. Families will be advised by Friday 11 August regarding confirmation of the placement at MCPS.



We have an assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm where our local Federal MP, Aaron Violi, will attend to present us some flags for our new flagpoles.



Our uniform order has arrived and will be available for purchase from Monday.


Upcoming student free day that we wish to remind everyone so you can be prepared and make necessary arrangements.  These dates have been approved by our School Council.

  • Friday 11 August - staff will be working alongside other Dandenong Ranges schools working on student voice.

Please add this date to your calendars.  Should you require assistance with supervision TheirCare are available.


Take care,

Dale McInerney