Visual Art News

Year 11 Unit 1 Art Making & Exhibiting - Student  Artworks

The  Year 11 Unit 1 Art Making & Exhibiting students submitted their final artworks at the end of Semester 1, which we would very much like to share with the EDSC community. 


Artworks by: Joy, Otis, Daniella, Jack, Ariel, Heather


We have some very talented students who are doing their utmost to master their chosen materials and techniques. Enjoy!

by Jack
by Joy
by Ariel
by Heather
by Otis
by Daniella
by Jack
by Joy
by Ariel
by Heather
by Otis
by Daniella


Rebecca Parker

Visual Arts Teacher

9 Art – Surrealist Painting

In Year 9 Art, students explore the style of Surrealist Art and incorporate key characteristics to create a design for an oil painting.


Students compose ideas based on random objects within a space and focus on building workable layers of paint that can be blended to create highlights, tones and shadows. Realistic objects are juxtaposed in an unrelated world or space with vivid colour and smooth texture.


Please enjoy viewing some examples of student work completed at the end of Semester Term 2, 2023.

Stephanie Wheeler

Visual Arts Teacher