Teaching & Learning

Exciting Teaching and Learning Celebrations! 

Over the next few weeks we have quite a few events coming up to celebrate learning.

We start with one of our favourite times of the year with our Book Parade. It's always great to see so many students (and teachers) dress up as old favourites or new characters of books that we have read. We are fortunate that Mrs Brown has sourced some 2023 Short-listed picture story books. No matter the age, picture story books can be enjoyed by everyone. Classes can enjoy these books and possibly some activities throughout the week.

We then get to celebrate Literacy and Numeracy week! We will start our week with Maths incursions for both the Junior and Senior areas of the school on the 28th August. We finish our week of celebrating with an afternoon exhibition of our Writers' Festival to which the school community are warmly invited. Every student will have a writing piece on display. Details to come but do put the 1st September in your diaries.

In the meantime what can you do at home to instil the love of reading? Are you a reader? Just seeing a parent with a book (hard copy or electronic) reinforces the enjoyment of reading for a child. Showing an interest in what they are reading (school readers or books from home) supports your child's understanding of what they are reading. Ask them some questions about what they are reading, what they like about it, what's happened so far?

Enjoy the next few weeks of student learning at MRPS!


Pat Withell

Learning Specialist - Instructional Model