Year 11 English

               Holocaust Museum Excursions

Over three days in week 5, the VCE English classes along with their teachers, Bianca Walker, Rebecca Munari, Antoinette Rehak, Stephanie Temos and Helen Tsolakidis went to the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. 


In English, we have been studying the graphic novel ‘The Complete Maus’ by Art Spiegelman. The graphic novel depicts Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Polish Jew and Holocaust survivor. In English, they have learnt about the historical context of the text and the events of World War II. 


The purpose for this excursion was for the class to attend an on-site workshop and learn about the Holocaust. During the workshop the students were able to participate in activities that involved handling preserved artifacts and participate in identifying how these artifacts linked with specific words such as propaganda, dehumanisation, the Holocaust and many more. 


Afterwards, each of the classes had the privilege to meet and speak with a Holocaust survivor. Group one (Mrs Walker’s class) had the opportunity to meet Lusia Haberfeld, group two (Ms Munari & Ms Rehak’s classes) met Sara Saaroni Oam and group three (Ms Temos & Ms Tsolakidis’ classes) met Paul Grinwald. 

The survivors’ stories inspired the students, and they were eager to ask them many questions about their experiences during this time. 


The VCE students were able to use this experience at the Melbourne Holocaust Museum to assist in their understanding of World War II and make connections to ‘The Complete Maus’. 


After a long day of traveling by public transport and enjoying lunch at McDonalds, the students made their way back to the College and in the process discussed their favourite part of the day and were grateful for the experience. 


The students represented the College by displaying the values of respect, care and resilience and were extremely well behaved. 


Bianca Walker, Rebecca Munari, Antoinette Rehak, Stephanie Temos and Helen Tsolakidis 

Year 11 VCE English Teachers.