Learning Community 2

John Wigg and Maxine Howard

Over the last two weeks, students have been continuing to draft and publish fables. When drafting, students have been focusing on using time connectives to connect events together while also exploring the use of descriptive language to describe characters and settings. We loved getting together with the 5/6 Classes to share our fables to showcase the fantastic effort everyone put into their creations!


In Reading, students have been investigating the setting of stories and why it is important to describe the setting for a target audience. This includes, the use of the 5 senses to help engage the reader.


In Maths, students have been exploring patterns and Shape. When investigating patterns, students have explored the use of repeated addition, subtraction and patterns that grow. During our shape unit, students have been exposed to identifying the features of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes and creating shapes using clay and icey-pole sticks.


Next Thursday we have have the opportunity to have the NED: Mindset Mission incursion at Bunyip Primary School. As part of the Incursion, students will have the opportunity to purchase a Yo-Yo as part of the pay it forward system. This ensures that future schools are provided the incursion free of charge. We encourage all students, if possible, to purchase a yo-yo so students get the same opportunity that we have been granted by having this incursion free of charg 

Achievers Award Winners:

3/4W: Vincent- For showing great Resilience in Maths when solving multiplication problems.

3/4W: Maruzel - For showing great Resilience when learning tricky spelling words during writing.

3/4W: Corey - For showing respect to my peers and following class instructions at all times.


3/4X: Holly A - for doing a great job of her fable. She started late but worked well to catch up. 

3/4X: Olivia - for completing all learning tasks to a fantastic standard every time. 

3/4X: Piper - for persisting when writing a fable based on The Lion and The Mouse 

3/4X: Zac O - being kind and helpful to all, and trying his best on all activities even when they're challenging.