Attendance Matters

Better Health, Better Future, Better Outcomes

At Our Lady's Primary School, we have a variety of ways to report your child's absence. The expectation is that, if your child is away, you notify us as soon as practical on the same day as the child absence. You can also let us know in advance! 


Report your child's absence as soon as practical by;

Letting us know really helps! Otherwise, we have to make contact with you. This has been proving difficult for a few of our parents so please be aware of the expectation of notifying us. 


If we are unable to make contact with you in a timely manner on the same day as your child's absence, we then begin to call your emergency contact list. We do this to ensure your child's safety. So...if you notice we are calling and your child is not at school, please answer so we know that your child is safe.