Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,



At Warrnambool Primary School we are consistently calling on students to respect their learning environment and in particular, their peers. We have an incredibly diverse range of students, families and staff from different countries, backgrounds and cultures. In the past two weeks we have welcomed 20 new students to our great school many of whom are from non-english speaking backgrounds. We are incredibly proud to welcome them to our community and we ask our students to ensure that they are safe in a place of learning for them. It’s a great opportunity for all families to engage in dialogue around our multicultural diversity and look to highlighting how this makes us a stronger and more vibrant community. We welcomed our new students at assembly on Monday and we know that they will be supported by all in our community. 



For the past two weeks we have been fortunate enough to have 3 international students from China at our school. They have each immersed themselves into the Australian curriculum and have provided our students an opportunity to learn more about the Chinese culture. We hope that Simo, Abby and Aaron have enjoyed their time at Warrnambool Primary and we thank them for coming to visit our wonderful school.



Congratulations to Eli Pollard for winning first prize in the NAIDOC week colouring in competition! 

Eli spent a lot of time carefully completing his entry and this effort is clear when you see his completed work.

Other winners included:

Sienna Rye, Natasha Kurlatov, Amber Homburg, Lucas Leslie-Thom, Julien Dillon, Chey Nelson, Montana Redmond, Clay Edwards, Elexya Brown, Marli Craig, Declan Hampton, Indiana Rye, Neveah Green and Scarlett Knowles.

Prizes will be given out on Monday.


With over 900 entries from across the region we are so proud and excited to announce that the following students have won their age group category.


Year 6-8 First Prize - Sonny Rogers Debono  Second Prize – Penny Delaney-Brown

Year 9-11 First Prize - Hugo Philpott  Second Prize - Felix Hayward

 As well as Honourable mentions for Randall Fraser in the 6-8 years and Eli Doukas and Kaley Grayson in the 9-11 years.


Because the exhibition has been such a success the Warrnambool Art Gallery has extended the exhibition until Sunday 3rd September. I encourage you to go down and have a look at all the wonderful artwork on display.


Well done to all the winners and each of our students who entered. A special thank you must also go to Mrs Dixon for inspiring our students and coordinating all the wonderful pieces of artwork.



Thankyou to Clinton Brown for organising another working bee for our school. A small but robust group including RSL Active Warrnambool braved the challenging weather conditions to complete tasks such as tidying up the school grounds, setting up a meeting room upstairs in the administration area and shifting furniture. Many hands make light work and we appreciate the efforts of all involved. 



The Warrnambool Primary School Parents Association have organised our annual school disco for tonight. The Foundation - Year 2 classes will be held from 5.30pm to 6.30pm followed by the Years 3-6 from 7pm to 8.30pm. This event is held for the students to have fun with their friends at school in an exciting and engaging environment. Consent and Payment can be made through Compass or on the night.



The Year 3/4 students are very excited about attending Kangaroobie in the third week of August. They have naturally heard all the great stories about this camp from older siblings and staff members who have enjoyed attending there over many years. Some of the activities include, a farm tour, hut building, survival game, nature walks and beach activities. It is a great tradition for our Year 3/4 students and this year promises to be just as entertaining. 

For more information and details visit the website below. 

Kangaroobie - Bush - Farm - Beach - School Camp



Selected students from Year 5/6 have commenced another busy semester at Men’s Shed. This great program encourages students to learn about woodworking through the assistance of experienced builders, teachers and carpenters. They are producing some wonderful projects but the key to the program is that they learn patience, accuracy and carpentry skills. We value this program very much and the students look forward to it each Thursday. We also thank the volunteers at Mens Shed for providing this opportunity and guidance for our students. 


This term the Year 3/4 students are doing a unit called ‘Feathers, Fur or Leaves’. As a part of this 4B have stick insects to learn about their features, how to classify them according to MRS GREN classifying living and nonliving things and how to care for them. 

As you can see the students have been very keen to care for the stick insects and watch them grow. 



A friendly reminder that students shouldn't be arriving to school before 8.30am. The grounds aren't supervised at this time and with the cold and wet weather we have had some students caught in the rain. 

TheirCare is available if you require the service, please contact them directly for bookings.


Have a great weekend!


Peter Lee
