School Nurse Assessments
The Primary School Nursing Program is a free service offered to all Prep children attending primary schools in Victoria.
The Primary School Nursing Program is a service provided by registered nurses that have expertise in child health and development and understand the needs and concerns of families and school communities. The program provides parents/carers, teachers and nurses an opportunity to work together for the health and wellbeing of children and their educational progress.
Parents of Foundation student have been given a SEHQ (Student Entrant Health Questionnaire), we ask that these forms be returned to the office as soon as possible.
If the nurse has concerns about your child’s health after assessing your child, the nurse will contact you. The nurse may suggest referring your child to be assessed or treated by another health professional or agency. A report will be sent to you, giving the outcome of your child’s assessment. Only with your permission, and if appropriate the assessment results may be provided to your child’s teacher. The health assessment is not intended to replace your normal source of health care.
If you do not want your child to participate, you must sign the non-consent section of the ‘School Entrant Health Questionnaire’ and return to school.
Referrals for older students
Health assessments for students in other year levels are also available. If, at any time during primary school, you or your child’s teachers have concerns about your child’s health, you can ask for the Primary School Nurse to check your child. Referral forms are available at the Office.
For more information, please visit Victorian School Nursing Program: Advice |