PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
PFA Update
Annalie Darlington
Key Dates
11/08: Trivia Night
30-31/08: Fathers day Stall
04/09: Fathers day Breakfast
15/09: Party Pie Day
07/10: Bunnings BBQ
20/10: Movie Night
12/11: School Fete
Trivia Night- Auction and Volunteers
The trivia night online auction is now open. You don't need to attend to bid, so check out the amazing items now.
Items featured in our online auction have been generously donated by the community with hundreds of wonderful items to bid on from restaurant vouchers, kids sporting memberships, to weekends away. Please jump on line and help raise much needed funds for the school.
As we send this, volunteers will be setting up for event in the hall. If you can help, its not to late to help out. We are particualry looking for help on Saturday morning to clean up.
Many people have been involved in this event and we would like to Thank you all. I would like to particualry thank Kathyrn and Zoe for leading the event, Dee for leading the donations, Kate for leading the decor team and Kate and Kate for loading auction items.
Coming up......
Keep an eye on PFA comms in the next few weeks as we have more details on Fathers Day activities and party pie day. If you would like to assist with the fathers day breakfast, please get in touch