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5 minutes with Mandy

How long have you worked at Epping Views? 

I’ve been at Epping Views for just over a year and a half but I have worked in the Department for 36 years- first as a teacher (in fact I taught one of the EVPS parents when she was in Grade Prep) and then as a Leader and Principal.


What is your role at the school?  

I am very proud to say that I am the Principal of EVPS. I know it is a privileged position.


What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

The most rewarding part of my job is getting to work with the most amazing staff and of course getting to spend time with students.


When you were little what did you aspire to be?  

As a little girl I wanted to be a teacher. At times I also thought of being a police officer or a hairdresser, but I always came back to teaching. 


What was your favourite subject at school? 

I loved English. I loved to read and I always had a book that I was reading. I still love to read and one day I’d like to write a book.


How many languages do you speak? 

Unfortunately I only speak 1 language. I really admire people who speak more than 1.


What book/tv series/podcasts are you into at the moment?  

I’ve been watching, “Ted Lasso”- there are some great leadership messages in the show.


What would you sing at karaoke night? 

I’d sing an ABBA song- probably “Dancing Queen”, but I can’t promise it would be good. 


If you could choose to be anything for a day, what would it be?

I’d choose to be kind!


If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

I love Italian food- so if I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be Spaghetti bolognaise.


If you were a superhero, what powers would you have? 

I would love to be invisible. Imagine the conversations I could hear and the things I could see!


What’s your favourite holiday destination? 

I love to travel. I have been to every continent except Antarctica. I love to travel to USA because my son and his family live there. I have been to USA 9 times. 

5 Minutes with Steve

How long have you worked at Epping Views? 

I first came to Epping Views Primary School in 2018.  


What is your role at the school? 

After starting with the Specialist team as a Learning Specialist and teaching Digital Learning, I am now an Assistant Principal.   


What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Hearing about the fantastic learning and fun that students have had when they are going home at the end of the school day. 


What is your ideal way to unwind and relax? 

Sitting in a warm spot for an hour with a coffee or hot chocolate and a good book.


When you were little what did you aspire to be? 

A stuntman! I loved climbing things and jumping off or over obstacles.   


What was your favourite subject at school? 

My favourite subject at primary school was reading. I would often keep my book open on my lap throughout most of the day. At secondary school my favourites were Music and Physics. 


What book/tv series/podcasts are you into at the moment?   

I’m rewatching the Star Wars series The Mandalorian (until Ahsoka comes out). 


What is your favourite sport to watch or play? 

I get up early most mornings to do HIIT (high intensity interval training).   


Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one? 

In my time I have played guitar, bass and even saxophone! 


If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

It would have to be pizza, because you can put so many different combinations of toppings on a pizza.