Year 6 Camp 

Last week on Wednesday the 2nd of August the Year 6’s departed for Camp Allambee. We were so lucky to find that our campsite had the most amazing scenery of rolling hills, huge gum trees and picturesque forests. From the minute we arrived we went straight into activities such as, The Giant Swing, The Flying Fox, Billy Carts, Dangle Duo (Abseiling), Archery, Campfire Cooking where everyone made some delicious warm damper and Hut Building. The weather was a treat for the first two days as the sun beamed down and provided us with some rare sunlight for the first time in weeks! The camp was a great opportunity for students to step outside their comfort zone and participate in challenging activities that tested everyone’s courage and resilience. Allambee was a beautiful camp and one that every student will be sure to never forget. 


Charlotte Dalbera 6MP - Camp was such a fun experience with heaps to do, my favourite activities at camp were the Giant Swing, Dangle Dup, Billy Carts and Camp Fire Cooking. Getting to the top of the Giant Swing was incredible! The view was perfect and the sudden drop was exhilarating! Racing my friends down the hill on the Billy Carts was such a challenge but once you got the hang of it, then it was easy. I also made it right to the top when I did the Dangle Duo with my friend Alexia, I was so proud of myself for making it to the top. I will never forget hanging out with my friends in our cabin and also playing beach volleyball on the court in the beautiful weather. 


Ibbi Salmani and Meghraj Paul 6NJ - Camp was so much fun, full of fun activities and heaps of time with our friends! We both loved going down the steep hill on the Billy Carts and the best part was falling off! Even though our clothes ended up covered in mud that didn’t both us. Our favourite activity was the Giant Swing as it gave us an insight as to what it might feel like being in space we were so high and seeing the forest from such a high view. At night we had a long night walk looking for animals and told some scary stories by the campfire while we ate marshmallows on a stick and popcorn. Some of the memories we will never forget are, hanging out with our friends in our cabins and playing GAGA ball which we hope we can get at school soon! It was so nice to be out in nature and we all had a fantastic time.