Deputy Head of College News

Mr Charles Brauer

Exchanging Ideas

Hospitality is one of our College’s strengths. When we are hospitable, we allow others to feel comfortable. Encircled with this comfort strangers can become friends. A single thought and idea can be shared and converge into insight. It was through this spirit of hospitality and sharing that supported the stay of Asha Ram, Canadian teacher on exchange to Marist Ashgrove, with our teaching staff member Ellie Kenny playing host. Below is an insight into the exchange program which Asha and Ellie have enlivened here at the College this term.


This term, I participated in the first stage of a teacher exchange program organised by the Independent Education Union. Asha Ram, a teacher from Lamont High School in Alberta, Canada, travelled over 20 hours by plane to join our Marist family! 


During Asha's two-week Marist experience, she immersed herself in my science classes, among others, and familiarized herself with our support systems. She attended staff meetings, coached the track and field jumps team, and engaged in our Boarding community as part of our 'Marist Extend’ program.

Boarding was a particularly memorable experience for Asha, as it is uncommon in Canada. Additionally, she assisted with Brain Bee practice and collaborated on planning environment group events. It was lovely to watch Asha bond with my Ridley 4 Pastoral Group. Asha's presentation about Canada was a hit, and some students even won quirky Canadian prizes. She also presented during lunchtime, sharing valuable insights about the opportunity to study a tertiary education or work in Canada, which proved helpful for students planning for post-school endeavours. Thank you to all those who helped enrich Asha’s time here and the Independent Education Union and the school leadership for making this opportunity come to fruition. 

I'm immensely grateful to Asha for her contributions and for sparking a desire for all of us to embrace travel, step out of our comfort zones, and foster international friendships. 

As a result of this exchange, I have gained professional development and a valuable friend. Regularly having my lessons observed provided helpful feedback and constant inspiration for fresh ideas. I deeply appreciated Asha's wisdom, experience, kindness, and boundless energy. This opportunity has encouraged me to reflect more often on my teaching practices and reflect on the school systems, both locally and nationally. 


Beyond the classroom, Asha and I made the most of our time together. We watched the Broncos, surfed at the Gold Coast, stargazed in my hometown Nanango, and visited museums. After encountering a myriad of Australia's most unique wildlife, I found it amusing that Asha's favourite animals were the common house gecko and the ibis – spectacular species in their own right!


My turn awaits as I will go to Alberta, Canada this December—I am looking forward to being part of the Lamont High School community for two weeks, a rural high school north of Edmonton, and learning as much as I can here. I am also looking forward to snowboarding, ice fishing, and trying the sport of ‘curling.’ I was amazed to hear that the temperatures potentially can be cooler than -30 °C at this time of year, and am lucky to have Asha help me navigate living and working in this climate!  




College Bus Service Update

Following a recent review of the College Bus Service, the College is pleased to announce the below changes to the MCA 2 bus stops. These changes will take effect from Monday 21 August (Week 7). These changes will have minimal impact on total journey time, will improve connections with other services, and will enhance the safety of students using this service. Thank you to those parents and guardians who have provided feedback on the College bus routes.


Further details on the College Bus Service can be found on the College website Getting to Marist - Marist College Ashgrove (

Term 2 Photos are Ready to Order

Term 2 photos are now available to purchase through Beyond School Photos. Photos include Rugby Union, Football, Cross Country, Chess, Environment, Academic, Mission, Boarding, First Nations, EALD, Year 12 House Groups, Primary Leaders, Technical Crew and VET.


Order through Beyond School Photos website using your Unique Access Key provided by the College. Order before Friday 18 August for free delivery to the College by Monday 4 September. 


Please contact Sharon Ortiz ( if you need assistance locating your Unique Access Key.

Tuckshop Volunteers Needed

How Can I Help or Get Involved?

Many of our parents are keen to help in some way to contribute to the Marist community that we are so well known for. Two ways to do this are through volunteering in the College Tuckshop during the day, or through the Sports Canteens on the weekend.


If you would like to volunteer in the Tuckshop during the day, please click on the relevant link below. Our Tuckshop convenor Josie Loucas will take your details and be only too happy to welcome you into the Tuckshop volunteer family. If you are too nervous to volunteer on your own, there is always the possibility of signing up with a friend. Just let Josie know if you want to be there at the same time as a buddy and I know she will help you out. We have parents who leave at the end of their son’s schooling journey commenting on how much they loved their regular (weekly, fortnightly or even term-by-term) Tuckshop catch-up with friends over the years.




For Sports Canteen volunteers, please keep an eye out on the App for calls to sign up. Remember – if you feel more comfortable with a friend, please rope them in and take them along. The more the merrier!