Prep News

Our wonderful preppies have been demonstrating incredible learning this week!


In writing we have been focusing on the text 'The Rainbow Bear'. We love learning about Polar Bears and discussing their features and where they live. As a class we came up with a word wall which includes interesting words we can use in our writing. We love adding to this whenever we hear an interesting word. We made connections to the text as we explored who we have given bear hugs to and how this made us feel. We are so incredibly proud of how far their writing has come along! Well done preps. 


Our reading continues to develop as we focus on fluency and comprehension. We are gaining a better understanding of what we read by stopping and talking about the story. 


In Maths we have loved collecting data and representing it in tally form. We gathered lots of information such as favourite pizza toppings and different classroom objects.


Our unit of inquiry is 'How the world works' . We have loved looking at the properties of materials and how they can be changed. We cannot wait to explore this further in our incursion next week. 


It was so beautiful having our grandparents into the school last week. Here are some photos of this beautiful experience. 


There is always so much more we could say about our time in Prep, but we hoped you enjoyed this snapshot.