From the Principal 

Mr Jon Franzin

Dear Parents, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s College,


Welcome back

It was great to see so many well-presented, organised and keen students arrive on Monday ready to launch into the final term of the year. I trust that you have had an enjoyable break and that the batteries are charged for yet another busy and productive term. The dusting off of the uniform brings the inevitable discoveries that shirts and shorts are too tight – the boy has grown! The deeper question to be considered in Term 4 is whether the boy has grown through the year in a more essential way – as a person. It helps to have points of reference to consider this. Edmund Rice schools identify with four ‘touchstones’ as signs of being authentic to their mission – those things to which they aspire for the benefit of the students whom they serve. One of those touchstones is ‘Liberating Education’. So much of what we do is aimed at unlocking the potential in each student, not only so that every boy can discover and start to realise their God given potential, but so that they in turn can step into their future and contribute that potential for the good of all – be it through work, relationships, leadership or particular skills – each in their own way. 


Term 4 is when both school and students can reflect on how much our teaching and learning, as well as wider school experiences, have been liberating and contributed to student growth. This is particularly relevant for our young men as they look back not just over 2022, but back to when they commenced at St Virgil’s College and beyond. Has their potential been liberated through the education they have received? Will that potential now be taken out into the wider community, including for the benefit of those in need? Year 10 students will commence preparation for end of year exams. I strongly encourage a focused attitude so students can both finish off Year 10 successfully and get the most out of this important transition into senior secondary. 


Junior School 

During the term break the Junior School had fencing erected to ensure that the College is secure particularly as we continue to have our Early Years students access the main playground. In line with our duty of care the College gates will be locked of a morning and opened when staff are on duty from 8.15am. I ask that parents and carers are mindful of this as we continue to have students arrive well before the gates are open. Parents and carers are reminded that students will not be supervised during this time should they arrive prior to 8.15am. Thank you for your ongoing support with this matter.  


Staffing Update 

This term we continue with our staff planning for 2023 as we build to a Kindergarten to Year 12 College by 2024. Interview panels are convening to appoint Mathematics and Science Teachers along with Humanities, English and Religious Education Teachers. I hope to publicise the outcome of these interviews and the successful applicants over the next couple of weeks. As mentioned previously, I have re-advertised for the following positions:

  • Assistant Principal Catholic Identity & Mission 
  • Head of Senior School 
  • Head of Middle School 

It is hoped that these positions will be finalised later in the term. 


Please find below updates regarding staff movement: 


Ms Emily Shrimplin has advised of her intention that she will be resigning at the end of the year to take on a Mathematics position at St Mary’s College.  Mr Eric Monaghan will be returning to Catholic Education Tasmania next year to take on a position as teacher in a systemic Primary school.  


We will have an opportunity to thank and congratulate Emily and Eric prior to the end of the year. I know they will both be greatly missed by all. 


Student Free Day 

Please be aware that following the public holiday on Thursday October 20 (Royal Hobart Show Day) the College will be having a student free day on Friday October 21. The College Offices will also be closed.In lieu of this day staff will be undertaking First Aid training on two evenings from 3.30pm – 6.30pm to ensure they are appropriately trained in basic casualty care.   


Best wishes for the week ahead. 


Jon Franzin