Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

Leader of Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

Trish Star

I trust you all had an enjoyable break from school and feel refreshed and ready to embark on this final term for 2022. It is a busy term and before we know it we will be in the midst of our end of year celebrations.


Earlier this week Year 10 travelled to Borambola to undertake their LEAD Experience. This was a chance for the group to come together, undertake activities designed to build skills in leadership, resilience and teamwork. It was also an opportunity to relax together, reflect on their time at MCC and think about where the journey may take them next year. They were fortunate to have good weather and by all accounts enjoyed the time away. My thanks to all students who participated and for the staff who undertook the experience with them: Mr Dal Nevo, Mr Summerville, Mrs Centofanti and Ms Davis.


On Friday October 28 it will be Year 8’s turn to enjoy some time away from the class room. They will be with their Pastoral Leader, Ms Foschi, and the Year 8 homeroom team at GRALC. This is a chance for them undertake a series of new challenges and learn more about themselves and their peers. In the past this has been a most enjoyable day and I would encourage all students to attend. Please submit permission forms and payment ASAP.


An interesting resource I have come across is the Student Well Being Hub. You will find lots of interesting information to support your teenager, covering a wide range of topics. They also have a Facebook page you can follow. The link to the website is below:

Student Well Being Hub


Remember to contact your child’s Pastoral Leader or myself if you have any concerns around their well being.


Trish Star

Leader of Wellbeing and Pastoral Care