College News

Covid Guidelines

What should I do if I test positive?

You may be infectious for up to 10 days. You are most infectious in the 2 days before your symptoms start and while you have acute symptoms (such as a runny nose, sore throat, fever, cough).


To reduce the risk to others NSW Health recommends you: 

  1. Stay home until your acute symptoms have gone
  2. Don’t visit people at high risk of severe illness, anyone in hospital or an aged or disability care facility for at least 7 days.
  3. Wear a mask when indoors and on public transport, if you must leave your home.
  4. Avoid large gatherings and indoor crowded places, especially where you will be in contact with groups of people you don’t live with.
  5. Talk to your employer about when you should return to the workplace.  
    If you work in a high-risk setting such as health, disability and aged care, it is recommended that you stay away from the workplace for 7 days and until you have no symptoms to help protect other staff, patients, residents, and clients.  If your employer needs you to return to the workplace before this time, they may ask you to take additional steps to protect others, subject to their work, health and safety assessment.
  6. Tell people that you live with, or spend a lot of time with, that you have COVID-19.
    People you live with or spend a lot of time indoors with are at greatest risk of catching COVID-19 from you. You should tell them you have tested positive and try to separate from them as much as possible. They should monitor for symptoms and if they get sick, they should get tested and stay home. They should follow the Information for people exposed to COVID-19 fact sheet.
  7. Register your positive rapid antigen test result with Service NSW.
    If you or someone in your family can’t register online, please call Service NSW on 13 77 88. Registering your result helps you access medical support from NSW Health, including antiviral medicines if you are eligible, and also assists NSW Health respond to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This keeps you, your loved ones and the community safe. If you tested positive on a PCR test, you do not need to register your result.

Prayers Please

Congratulations to Shirine

Congratulations to Shirine Nehme for winning the state finals of the Legacy Junior Public Speaking Award. Shirine was one of eight finalists and will be representing NSW in the national competition in Launceston, Tasmania in November.

Commerce Year 9 

Year 9 Commerce students are undertaking the $20 Boos program this term. This program is aimed at teaching students entrepreneurship and skills needed to run a business. Students will be receiving $20 each and have the choice to form a partnership with others or be a sole trader. Students will produce a product and sell the product during a trading week. Students have been currently completing activities and challenges in class to prepare them for this task ahead.


Ms Foschi

Commerce Teacher