Assistant Principal News

Damien Herb Acting Assistant Principal

Welcome back to Term 4!

As the weather warms up and students move from Winter to Summer Uniform, we also remind parents and students that whilst playing on the oval, or participating in practical PDHPE, it is compulsory for students to wear hats. Without a hat on, students will be unable to participate in activities in the sun.


On Thursday I attended a CEDWW Transformative Learning Discussion in Wagga. Next year, our Diocese will launch a common learning statement for all Secondary and Primary Schools. Over the past few months the Diocese has sought feedback from parents, staff and leaders to help this statement. As part of both the development and implementation committee I have been part of the drafting and finalising of the statement, which will drive the teaching and learning focus over the coming years. We look forward to launching the statement in March next year.


This coming Friday the 28th of October is World Teacher’s Day! I’m sure the wider community will join with me in thanking our teachers for their dedication, care and commitment to educating the students at Marian Catholic College. If anyone would like to share a special memory about a teacher past or present to acknowledge their guidance, please follow this link. I encourage all students to thank their teachers in the coming days in honour of World Teacher’s Day.

Finally, I would like to congratulate our Year 12 students who have successfully completed half of their HSC Exams. I encourage them to continue their committed study program and to see support if required from the College for the remaining exams. Three of our students were yesterday interviewed by the Area News (see article here), and were able to share their journey with our broader community. Well done and good luck Year 12!

Yours in learning,


Damien Herb


Acting Assistant Principal