


In Mindfulness, we focused on the topic of Making Decisions. We spoke about how Mindfulness can help us with making decisions. We learnt that when we have a decision to make, our bodies give us clues about making the right or wrong choice and this is called our gut feeling.


As a class we practised to see what it is like to tune into what feels right when making a decision. 


If you would like to access the Smiling Mind program at home: https://www.smilingmind.com.au  






In Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, the Year 1s focused on the topic of Stress Management. This week we met a new friend…Wibbly.


Wibbly visited our classes this week to ask for some help because he is feeling stressed. Wibbly is not very good at speaking so we had to think of some reasons why Wibbly might be feeling stressed. What do you think might have happened to Wibbly?