Acting Principal's 



From Mandy O'Mara

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are now well into the 2023 planning phase. This week we appointed two new Assistant Principals to commence in 2023. I’m sure you will join me in congratulating both Angela Conversano and Steve Allen on their appointments. Steve and Angela have been acting in the roles this year and will transition seamlessly into 2023.


We have continued to have students from both our kinder and other local kinders visit us this term. We are looking forward to beginning the official Prep Transition Program which starts on November 30th. If you have a Prep child starting here at EVPS next year please ensure they are enrolled ASAP so that they do not miss out on this important transition. 


There are a number of events on the Term 4 calendar… it is a very busy term.

I’d like to remind you all that the End of Year Celebration will take place on November 10. We are welcoming all parents to come and enjoy a picnic on the oval. Parents can arrive from 3:30. There will be opportunities to buy food from food trucks or to bring your own picnic/rugs and chairs. This is a great opportunity to mingle with staff and other families. We look forward to a fun filled afternoon.


Please note the following important information in relation to changed COVID-19 settings.


COVID-19 isolation requirements have changed

The Victorian Government has announced the end of the Pandemic Declaration and associated Pandemic Orders.

The following settings, based on advice from the Department of Health, apply from 11.59pm Wednesday 12 October 2022.

It is strongly recommended that students:

  • who test positive to COVID-19 stay home and isolate for 5 days.
  • should not attend school after 5 days if still symptomatic.
  • who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school.
  • advise the school of the COVID-19 positive test result.

Where students become symptomatic at school they should:

  • be collected by their parents/carers.
  • undergo testing for COVID-19.

Reporting positive COVID-19 test results

The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their workplace, schools and household.

Parents and carers will therefore be asked to continue to report positive student COVID-19 cases using the VicED COVID Tool.

Where a parent/carer informs the school by phone or written notification, the school should complete the Schools COVID Case Management Tool.


COVID-19 vaccination changes

The current mandatory vaccination requirement for staff and visitors, contractors and volunteers working in specialist schools ceases to apply from 11.59pm Wednesday 12 October. COVID-19 vaccination, including booster doses, continues to be strongly recommended for all school staff.


Face masks

Staff and students who wish to wear a face mask should be supported to do so, and schools should continue to make face masks available for staff, students and visitors.

The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home.

Additionally, the Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who has COVID-19, for at least 7 days after a positive test, when they need to leave home.




Kind regards,


Mandy O’Mara
