Spotlight on Teaching and Learning- NAPLAN 2022

The 2022 NAPLAN data sets were made available to schools recently. As noted in previous Newsletters, we were particularly pleased with some of our writing results.

We have been so impressed by our ongoing improvements to our whole school approach to writing over the past 3 years, despite the impact of COVID. Support from parents in developing students’ handwriting skills and resilience when writing independently, along with our tutoring and extension programs for students in the senior year has lead to some impressive NAPLAN results.


This year, the number of students achieving in the top two bands of Writing for NAPLAN increased to 45%. This a wonderful achievement for the individual students and demonstrates the improvements through targeted teaching that students can achieve.

Writing Year 5 NAPLAN 2022


For our Year 3 students in NAPLAN Writing, the number of students at or below the National Minimum standards (bottom 2 bands) has been reduced to zero in 2022- which is a fantastic result for those students.


I look forward to sharing more of our results with School Council and in staff planning meetings next Term.