Principal's Report

Hello everyone,
Thank you for your contribution to McCarthy Catholic College this year. I particularly thank those students who assisted our goal of lifting learning culture by supporting the work of staff, supporting the learning and wellbeing of other students, and generally being prepared to stand up and contribute positively to McCarthy Catholic College.
Thank you parents and carers for your support of the College, particularly if asked to work in partnership to improve a learning or wellbeing outcome.
Thank you staff for your committed contribution this year.
I thank and wish well those staff who are leaving. Deb Fulwood is retiring after many years of service to the College, primarily as an Art and Textiles teacher. Janet Nolan is retiring after a long and committed career providing support in the Library. Year 11 Leader of Student Care Andrew Davy has accepted a position as Leader of Sport and Coaching at a Ballina school. TAS Leader of Learning Chloe Bushell has accepted a position as Art teacher at Calrossy. Tracey Le Fevre is moving to Melbourne to continue her English-teaching career.
I thank and wish well those students who are leaving the College, including those moving school, moving town or transitioning into work.
I hope the Christmas break is enjoyable and fulfilling for each of you and that an improving COVID situation allows some opportunities to make the break memorable. Thank you again for your contribution to McCarthy Catholic College in 2021.
Merry Christmas and all the best.
Mr Rod Whelan - Principal