Environmental Council

Over the past term the new Environmental Council Executive has been actively working in tandem with Mr Nichols, Mr Leu, and current members to learn the ropes of managing, planning, and developing our environmental projects around the College. While this term’s focus has been ensuring the effective continuation of previous council projects including nursery planting, seed collection, bird feeders and frog hotels; there has been significant discussion surrounding how we can best encourage sustainability within the College and collaboration with other councils in the development of our new major focuses for the upcoming year!
During our time as executives, our major plans for 2022 include:
- Initiation of a 10c Recycling Program: allowing for the development of a strong culture surrounding recycling at the school and providing funding for proceeding council developments. All money raised from the program would go directly into developing the school's sustainability, and Environmental Council projects.
- Collaboration with the MCC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Council: strengthening our native planting and conservation projects; allowing for potential student lesson resources encompassing the significance of native Australian flora and fauna to both sustainability, the environment, and culture.
- Continuation of 10 year Regeneration Project through native seed collection, plant propagation, and site maintenance. Working towards the rejuvenation of the Creek Line into a potential site for environmental education and refuge for local native flora and fauna.
With the development of the above goals coming to fruition, we are also looking forward to potentially hosting guest speakers and excursions to nurseries, national parks, and landcare agencies to further develop our knowledge of the significance of the environment and its conservation, and inspire members! If this article sparks your interest and you are not already a member of the environmental council, meetings are on every Thursday lunchtime, where the team is always open to contributions to new or existing projects and ensuring a welcoming environment for new and returning members!
To close, we would like to thank Mr Nichols, Mr Leu, and all members of the Environmental Council for their continued support of projects, meetings and goals. And a special shout out to all members who assisted in the council's recent advertising campaign and poster creation; we have been thoroughly impressed by all your ideas and enthusiasm for the council’s mission! We would also like to thank the outgoing Year 12 executive and members for all their hard work and commitment towards the council!
Marianne Flood - Environmental Council Publicity Officer