Library News

Emagazines available on SORA and through our Library
Our E-Magazines collections are always available to our students and staff. Recently we have been introducing and upskilling students on how to access and use our extensive collection of current and back issues. We have over 360 popular and subject specific magazine titles for fun and curriculum needs. Thank you to our HSIE teachers for working with us to support the students with the SORA Quest activity. If your child was away and missed this lesson, they can catch up by going to the library homepage. From here, they can click on the ‘click here’ to access the SORA e-magazine demonstration video, to see how to access and use the digital magazines.
Library time - is it different?
Numbers and books - so many book titles include numbers so we have a display of some of these titles. We invited students to check out the time on the library clock near the Senior Study.
Library Overdues
We are counting down the days until the end of term and reminding students to return all books borrowed during the year except for students commencing HSC English classes who need to read these copies. The cooperation of students and families is appreciated in locating and returning the overdue books.
Merry Christmas from the Library!
Our library staff wish our students and their families a peaceful and Merry Christmas and a wonderful break. We look forward to 2022 and to welcoming our students back for a year of friendship, joy and learning in the library.
Ms Libby Laird - Teacher Librarian