Careers News

Careers News
We are all looking forward to the finish of Term 4 in a year that has been interesting and full of changes and surprises. In a normal year, we aim to help our students to achieve their best possible outcomes. This year there have been twists and turns along the way. This is why it is important to continue to inform parents and Year 12 students of changes to exams and the release of both the HSC results and ATARs and university offers.
Advice from the CAA (Careers Advisers Association of NSW/ACT) regarding university enrolment is:
“Recently, we have seen some changes in the recruitment processes used by universities recently. CAA has expressed concerns to the universities via a letter sent out in early November. ... As Careers Advisers, we are expected to be all knowing about relevant post-school opportunities for our students, however, if students ask for help in enrolling in their courses, you should refer them to the university course advisers to assist them.”
Year 11 students transitioning into Year 12
In recent weeks I have given two presentations during break times for students to attend if they were interested in
- Early entry schemes and scholarships
- Adjustment Factors (added to ATARs to increase a student’s Selection Rank ) and assist them in gaining offers at universities
These were explained and they were shown where to find out more information through the Careers@McCarthy website and JobJump.
Work experience opportunities and White Card update
With current Covid restrictions limiting work experience to instances regarded as “essential” it is pleasing to see that some students in Year 10 have been able to gain offers of SBATs and full time employment.
The Construction Induction White Card course will be offered by the college in Term 1 2022 for students seeking work in any trade or career involving working on what is regarded as a building site.
Future Ready Fest
Future Ready Fest is organised through Regional Industry Education Partnerships Training Services NSW – New England. An invitation to participate in this one day event was issued to all Year 10 and 11 students and taken up by Grace Vuong and Katelyn Abra who registered to attend on 1 December 2021. It is a one-day real time virtual work experience program, encompassing keynote addresses from alesforce professionals and Q&A sessions where students can learn about the roles and pathways in the business and digital worlds. Students participated in guided Salesforce developed job readiness modules, followed by live connected mentor sessions.
Both girls said they found the day very enjoyable and worthwhile and were glad they had taken up the opportunity.
Mrs Susan Barrett - Careers Adviser