Grade 2 Students 

Celebrating our terrific Twos!

2A - Mr Every

2A have been focusing on place value. This week, we have been investigating teen numbers and how we can understand them in terms of tens and ones. This will help us solve more complex problems in the future.

Saeron L
Ollie W
Saeron L
Ollie W

2B - Miss Bailey

In 2B we have been learning all about Bucket Filling. In Bucket Filling, we imagine that every person carries with them an invisible bucket. This bucket contains their feelings and emotions. We have looked at what Bucket Fillers say and do and learnt all about how we can fill each other's buckets every day and make sure we are not being bucket dippers. 2B have all shown how amazing they can be at Bucket Filling!

Austin D
Austin D

In Writing, we are focusing on creating informative and descriptive sentences through 'Snapshot Writing.' This week 2B went out into the SAKG garden and used their 5 senses to brainstorm as many things about the garden. We had many ideas including "magnificent pink flowers, furry bright quinces and birds humming softly." We then used this brainstorm to help us create a short paragraph to describe our beautiful garden.

Xanthe F
Xanthe F

2C - Mr K

This week we share 2 published pieces of writing. We have been looking at the 5 stages of writing to enhance the quality of our work. Grade 2C are amazing!

Toby D
Toby D
Reuben L
Reuben L