Grade 1 Students 

Celebrating our outstanding Ones!

1A - Miss Morrison

Number Snake Game:

What better way to revise our number facts, than to play card games! Here we are playing ‘Number Snake’ - we need to place the cards in order from the smallest to the largest (excluding picture cards). We get to be strategic and choose if we will give a card to our partner or put it in the ‘rubbish bin’ – this all depends on who wins the game! We also have been playing ‘Go Fish’, ‘Order! Order!’ and ‘The Bigger Number’. Grab a deck of cards and play a game with your child!


Each week, we focus on a letter and practise our letter formation during specific handwriting lessons – this could be on dotted thirds, or a page in our handwriting book. Here you can see we are tracing the letter /b/ - we do this three times before we go off to write. This repetition helps us with directionality – which is super important when writing letters correctly. You should see our amazing handwriting!


1B - Miss Lou

IB have been amazing during their sustained morning reading sessions. Students have been reading good fit books for 10 -15 minutes each morning without interruption. It has been wonderful watching them use their reading strategies independently!

Esther M
Esther M
Ella C
Ella C

1C - Miss Wong

We are learning all about being Bucket Fillers and how we can fill our own and others' buckets by using kind words and actions. 

Levi M
Levi M
Jacob A
Jacob A