Foundation Students

Celebrating our  fabulous Foundies!

FA - Miss Zoe

Foundation A has been working very hard on decorating the classroom and demonstrating what they have been learning about. Below are our letter ‘M’ mice and our emoji "Feeling" paper plates. Not only is craft a fun activity for the students, but it involves using fine motor skills, following steps, as well as, being creative! 


This week our students have enjoyed our hands-on Maths sessions in the classroom. For one of our lessons this week, we went outside and explored numbers using ‘think boards’. Children represented their chosen number in 5 different ways with materials from nature. They had lots of fun running around and collecting items from the garden. 

Outdoor Maths
Outdoor Maths

FB - Miss Deacon

Emoji plates! For our inquiry unit this term “All the Feels” we have been learning about all the different feelings we may experience. For this activity we read a story called 'The Way I Feel' and played emotion charades. We discussed what feelings are and shared our understanding of what these feelings look like and feel like. To show their knowledge of feelings we made emoji plates! The students worked in pairs to create an emotion and they all worked so well together. We have made a great class display.  Have a look below!

We are mathematicians in Foundation B!! We have loved making, naming and recording numbers up to 10 in many different ways! The class really enjoyed these rotations and were superstars at writing the numbers on their own! We have enjoyed using little poems to help us remember how to write our numbers - for example, ‘Down and across and down once more, that’s the way to make a 4!’ and ‘Across to Sarah and down to Pevan, that’s the way to make a 7!’ 

FC - Miss Ady

Over the past few weeks we have been exploring our letters and sounds whilst further developing our fine motor skills.


Jet V loved taking time and effort to create his paper confetti collage of his letter J.

Heidi R is showing great pencil grip and control as she practises her lower case alphabet with a whiteboard marker.