Students of the week 

Term 1 - Week 4


Maggie B - You always beat your teacher to saying good morning and your energy for school is inspiring! Well done, Maggie! 



Liam U - For making such wonderful start to Foundation, you are a superstar!! Liam, you come into school each day and try your best! You have such a positive attitude towards your learning and should be so proud of yourself! Congratulations!



Mollie A - Mollie you have started your school journey with such positivity and we love the way you encourage and care for those around you. You are such a joy to have in Foundation C! 



Ned L - Ned, you are a superstar and have made a fantastic start to Grade 1! Thank you for being an excellent role model to your peers.



Tillie P - You are an amazing role model for your peers Tillie. You are happy, kind to your friends and always make excellent choices when playing and working. You are an absolute superstar!



Ethan C - For being a kind, thoughtful and helpful member of 1C. Ethan, you have made such an amazing start to Grade 1! You are incredibly kind and thoughtful and are always ready to lend a helping hand. Keep up the amazing work!



Penelope M - For being a reliable and trustworthy member of 2A. You are an excellent role model for the class. Well done!



Lara F - Lara, you have had an exceptional start to Grade 2. You have settled straight into class routines and you are always respectful and friendly towards everyone. Keep up the great work Lara!



Thomas Mc - For all your hard work and positive attitude towards your learning this week. Thomas has worked exceptionally well with Stacy during Literacy lessons, he is completing all tasks with enthusiasm. Well done Thomas!



Mia B - Well done for such a successful start to Grade 4, Mia. You are consistently showing respect and approaching your learning with enthusiasm.



Ben L - Congratulations Ben, on settling back into Monty with ease! It's like you never left. Keep up the hard work, superstar!



Nova L - Nova, you have made an exceptional start to the school year. You have certainly set a very high standard with the care and effort you place in your work.



Amelie S - For showing an outstanding commitment to your learning and for upholding 3/4D's class expectations. Well done on a fabulous start to the term!



Ffion A - You have had a fantastic start to Grade 3. Keep it up superstar! 



Mila H - Your transition to grade 5 has been so impressive - you are organised, dedicated and hard-working, always beginning the day with a smile! It is such a delight to have you in 5/6A, keep being you!



Sara CH - Sara, you have made a tremendous start to 5/6B and we are absolutely thrilled to have you in the class. You are a terrific friend and you always give 100% Keep it up! 



Josie W - For consistently demonstrating our school value of friendship. In class Josie always makes an effort to ensure that everyone is part of a group or an activity. This quality she demonstrates has been particularly inspiring at the beginning of the new school year when everyone is settling into our new class and routine. Thank you Josie.



Joel K - For starting this year with positivity and a kind and open attitude. Keep it up buddy!