Performing Arts

This week in Performing Arts:

Performing Arts this term has begun with a Drama focus. We have been learning about the importance of improvisation and how we can collaborate collectively on stage to perform improvised scenes.


The students have performed a number of improvisation activities where they have needed to actively think on the spot and respond in character.

It has been very entertaining to watch and I have enjoyed the children’s enthusiasm as they have all actively participated and encouraged each other to give it a go.


Well done to a number of students also who have shared with the class their own performing talents. Special mention to Valeria Sica from 5/6 D who performed her own musical theatre monologue to the class, amazing!


Mason (3\4A) sharing his musical talents, performing on the keyboard for us all.

Rory and Liam (5/6A) performing an improvised scene of a doctor and a patient.