Family Quiz Time - Lets Have Some Interactive Fun 

Test The Family with these 10 General Knowledge Quiz Questions!

  1. In the solar system, which planet is known for its rings
  2. In which country would you find the famous pyramids?
  3. In the human body, where would you find atriums, aortas and ventricles?
  4. In which continent are Chile, Argentina and Brazil?
  5. The Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat are characters in which famous book?
  6. Tacos and guacamole are popular foods from which country?
  7. How many days are in a leap year?
  8. What's the Italian word for pie?
  9. What breed of dog does Queen Elizabeth II famously own?
  10. What five basic senses do humans have?


  1. Saturn
  2. Egypt
  3. Heart
  4. South America
  5. Alice in Wonderland
  6. Mexico
  7. 366
  8. Pizza
  9. Corgis
  10. Smell, taste, sight, hearing and taste

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