Music News

Peter Pan Production 


Congratulations to all the students and staff of Sacred Heart Primary School for what was an absolutely wonderful evening at our production of Peter Pan. The children were truly amazing!! I am so proud of each and every one of them and it was such a thrill to be able to actually perform in a theatre with such a responsive audience after 2 years of disruption to our music program. 


I am awaiting the recording link from Wired for Sound, who recorded it and provided the live stream. I am  hopeful it will be available by Friday which I will email to those who we have a record of payment for; just in time for some holiday viewing! So make sure you check your emails!

If you ordered a link to be emailed to you and you haven't paid yet - please do so as soon as you can, as I can not send out the recording to email addresses unless the correct amount has been deposited into the account which is listed below.  It is a busy time of year and there are a number of parents that placed an order but are yet to pay.


If you would like to order a copy of the recording, there is still time. I will be taking orders next year too. Please let me know if you have deposited funds and wish to order a video recording after the 18th December:



Have a joyful Christmas and restful holiday break,


Kate Harris

Music/Wellbeing Leader


 Production Recording



Orders can be made by:

                                                        1) filling in this form & returning to school

                                                        2) Deposit $15 for each recording ordered into :

                                                Sacred Heart Primary School, Preston, P & F 

                                                       BSB 083 347 - Account No. 19318 7149

                         The reference MUST be your child’s name & grade. Eg. Kate3 

The video link will be emailed when money has been deposited directly into the above account. 


Name:  ___________________________Child’s Name: _____________________


I want to order  _______ copies  of the recording & will deposit $_______ (total) directly 

into the account listed.

Please PRINT email addresses so the recording can be emailed to: ___________________________________________________________________________





      For any queries please email: