Year 10 Request for change of Elective.


Year 10 Request for change of Elective


  • Students need to go to the Timetable office, well before HG (starting 8.00) on Monday 7th February or Tuesday 8th of February to apply for an appointment.
  • Appointments will occur either before HG or period 3&4 on Monday 7/2 or Before HG Tuesday 8/2 or period 1&2.
  • At this time, they will be given a pass from Ms.Lebnan with their appointment time, which they need to show their teacher before meeting with Ms.Patoulidis.
  • They will need to bring their computer with them or a printed version of their subjects in BLOCK order.
  • Students need to be prompt to their meeting which will be in E1 during HG or the specified period on the day.
  • Ms. Patoulidis will discuss with them, their request, options and help them to fill in the change of subject form.
  • The correctly filled and signed forms are to be submitted directly to Ms Lebnan or Ms Patoulidis at the TIMETABLE OFFICE BEFORE SCHOOL (8.50 am) on Tuesday 8th February or Wednesday 9th February.
  • Subject changes will be accommodated if there is space. Success will be based on order of receipt. A recommendation may be required in some subjects and will be taken into account when making decisions.
  • Students who have made request for changes will be informed of the outcome on TEAMS CHAT by end of day Friday 11th February.

 NOTE: You cannot request to be in a different class of the same subject.