
Student absences should be reported to the school in the morning, preferably by 9am.

Please phone the following house that your child is in:


Red House - 9365 8017

Green House - 93658 8015

Yellow House - 9365 8034

Blue House -  9365 8014



Late arrival to school

In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you of the school policy regarding late arrival to school. Students are expected to be at school at 8:50am. Homegroup bell rings at 8:50am and class begins punctually at 8:55am. 

If your child is late for any reason, please notify the College on 9365 8000, House or writing a note.

If no explanation has been received, students absences will be unexplained, until we receive a call or note.

If your child is leaving early, you must provide a note explaining the reason. Teachers will not allow any student to leave their class unless there is authorisation.

We appreciate your support in this. If you have any questions please call the College on 

9365 8000.