Learning Diversity
The Learning Diversity Department
At St Bede’s College oversees the support of students who experience challenges with their learning. These challenges are a result of a range of factors and may relate to cognitive, social - emotional, physical or sensory difficulties.
The support that is provided aims to ensure that all students who attend our college are provided with the opportunity to access the curriculum at their own level. We want all students in our community to experience a sense of achievement and success.
We have a very strong, committed and dedicated staff in the Learning Diversity Department who work hard to build positive relationships with the students they assist. Our Learning Support Officers are employed across the school and work with students from Year 7 to Year 12. In addition to this, all staff across the College are engaged in supporting students with diverse needs in their classes.
One of the supports that should be highlighted at this stage of the year is the HOMEWORK HELP PROGRAM that runs on a TUESDAY AFTERNOON AFTER SCHOOL FROM 3.30-4.15. This takes place in the RAD READING LOUNGE in the LIBRARY. We encourage any student from Year 7-9 to attend this program if they require assistance with the completion of class work or homework tasks. Teachers from the department are available to assist.
Catherine Hurst
Learning Diversity Coordinator
Mentone Campus