parent information

Term 2 Invoice

Invoices were emailed last week.  Please advise the school office if you have not received your invoice for Term 2.  Thank you.

Growing Faith at Home

Help! Sometimes we are in need of it, sometimes we are in a position to help others.

This week Growing Faith at Home talks about our helper - the Holy Spirit.

Jesus called the Holy Spirit our helper or counsellor. What does the Holy Spirit help us to do?  Who has been helpful to you this past week? In what ways have you helped others?

God bless your week!

Georgie Schuster

Casual Day: Comfy Clothes!

There will be a casual clothes day on Friday 22 May (Week 4) to raise money for Lutheran Community Care. Students are encouraged to wear their most comfortable ‘isolation outfit’.

Lutheran Community Care is providing help to people who are affected by COVID-19. Please bring a gold coin to support their work. Some of the ways that they are helping are counselling, parenting support and emergency relief.


Lilly H and Jess M (Stage 4)

Sharing is Caring

Term 2 Chapel Offerings

This term, our chapel offerings and donations of non-perishable food items will go to support people impacted by the effects of COVID-19.

We invite you to bring chapel offerings on Friday's and place in your class offering bowl.  Alternatively, you could bring in a food item that can be used to make hampers for people in our community.

Entertainment Memberships

The Entertainment Digital Membership combines the savings of discount offers with the power of an online and mobile experience. Members can enjoy hundreds of '2-for-1' and up to '50%-off' discounts accessible from an Apple or Android mobile device. 

You can purchase your ($70.00) discount membership app by clicking here.  20% of every membership sold contributes to our school fundraising.

LLL School Banking

At the beginning of the year, the Lutheran Laypersons League advertised their 'Get $25' promotion for all new Children's Saving Accounts opened. This offer has now been extended to 31 May 2020.

Application forms are available from the school office, or from here.


Kids’ Vault

The LLL have developed ways for kids to ‘Learn, Save and Grow’ during this COVID-19 pandemic by launching a new webpage called the Kids’ Vault.

The Vault contains a collection of fun and educational resources for junior primary aged children to keep them entertained and learning about money whilst they are not seeing their parents engaging in over the counter transactions as before.

To enter the Kids’ Vault you don’t need a password or key, just an open mind for learning!


Uniform Shop

In line with COVID-19 regulations, the Uniform Shop is only open for QKR! orders.  Please contact Dani, our Uniform Coordinator, via email [ click here ] for all your uniform enquiries.  


Selecting the correct size

To assist in ordering the correct size, please find below the sizing charts for winter uniforms.  Parents are encouraged to take their child's measurements and use this guide before ordering on QKR!


The canteen is open for lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Next week's soup will be Chicken Noodle and Pea and Ham.  

Online QKR! orders must be placed by 8.45am (or even the night before), with separate orders for each child. 

Chapel Songs

We invite you to our Good Shepherd Lutheran School Chapel Songs 2020 Playlist on YouTube.

To find a selection of songs that we have sung in Chapel so far this year,  click here.