a word from our leaders

Nominations to School Council

Nominations remain open for School Council 2021.  

School governance (the work of the School Council) fundamentally relates to:

  • the process of setting, guiding and monitoring the School’s future direction;
  • ensuring the School operates within its relevant legal and other boundaries;
  • driving school performance (through the Principal appointed by the Council); and
  • establishing appropriate internal control processes and accountability systems.


As we seek again in 2020 to succession plan and recruit for future Council effectiveness and stability, we ask that each community member prayerfully consider one’s own skillset, experience and potential ability to value add to our Council.  Look also, to challenge others, whom you see exciting qualities in, and who might continue the great work of the many Councillors who have faithfully and passionately served the School since our inception in 1981. (We’ll be 40 next year!)


Nomination forms have been previously forwarded to all families and are also available on request.

Sharing is Caring appeal

Car Park

With a vast majority of families using 'kiss and drop' before and after school, some additional and expected congestion is being experienced.  My second observation is that your patience and respect for others is excellent.  Many thanks.


A few creative options

1.  Consider parking in Hartman or Charmaine Avenues and use the  pedestrian crossing across Montague Road to stay well clear of traffic.

2.  Deborah Grove (at the rear of the school) is another great option - the pedestrian gate to the school is opened each morning and afternoon for ready access and avoidance of crowds. 

Physical distancing

Physical distancing has proven to be one of the most powerful national strategies to combat COVID-19. Overall, parents are doing an amazing job at peak times.  Please don't let up.  Do your absolute best to observe 1.5 metre rule and move as quickly as possible from the school site at the close of the school day. 


Junior Playground

The junior playground remains closed at the end of the school day as it is not possible for us to monitor social distancing nor manage the size of gatherings.  Thank you for your understanding.

A time to refresh

So much has happened since March 21 - the day I was set to board a plane and engage in some exciting learning in Spain and the UK, before enjoying an opportunity to catch up with our son, also in the UK. The remainder of this term was then planned to be Long Service Leave.


Then along came COVID-19 and time away from school would have been irresponsible from a leadership perspective.  Currently, I think it's fair to say that we are enjoying a time of unexpected calm as we follow the 'roadmap' out of the crisis.


No doubt there will still be some twists and turns along the journey, but at this time opportunity does present to reinstate some of the rest and recuperation that was planned.


I will be on leave from Friday 22 May through until the close of the term.  In my absence, Karen Schoff will fill the role of Acting Principal.


Despite study and holiday plans not coming to fruition this year, I feel very blessed by the Good Shepherd community at this time.  The positivity and encouragement that is a feature of the way we have all managed the challenges has been nothing short of energising for me.


I pray that South Australia progresses through the stages of the 'Roadmap to recovery' as planned and Term 2 will see a further easing of the restrictions that remain in place in our schools. 


 Every blessing to you all as you round out the term.


David Wilksch
