The SUV (Scripture Union Victoria) run breakfast club has been a huge success. Up to 100 students and staff enjoy muesli, milo and pancakes each Wednesday morning before classes commence. The team of volunteers, led by Giselle Schmidt, have created a space where our school community can gather in a friendly and relaxed environment to eat and socialise before getting on with the serious business of learning and teaching. 

Over $100 was raised at the RUOK day school event last term. The team will use this money to purchase extra equipment for the club.

The club would not run without this organisation and we are so grateful for their support. Breakfast Club will resume Term 1, week 2 2019.



The lunchtime SAGA group (Sexuality and Gender Alliance) meet Monday lunchtimes. The students range in age from year 7-12. Students enjoy lunch together in a friendly and social space. We have had our annual Christmas break up with lots of food, music and games and the club will resume term 1 week 2. Look out on Compass for any changes to date or venue.


Have a safe and Merry Christmas,

Meaghan Lavelle - Health Promotion Nurse