Latest from the Library

This Thursday we celebrate Australian Reading Hour, a wonderful initiative that encourages all Australians to spend an hour reading. The benefits of reading extend far beyond improving literacy. Reading improves numeracy, increases empathy, helps us to understand our own identity and leads to a more prosperous and equitable society. The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research has found that reading to children six to seven days a week puts them almost a year ahead of those who are not being read to.

'Most vital human functions are accompanied by pleasure, and reading is no exception. I’m proud and delighted to be an Australian Reading Hour Ambassador for 2018, and to use the opportunity to gently remind the adult community that young people deserve that pleasure every day. They also need it, because no other activity will better equip young people to embrace their futures in a sometimes dark and uncertain world with optimism, resolve and creativity. Our stories have saved us in the past, and in the minds of young readers they can again.' Morris Gleitzman - author, Children’s Laureate and 2018 Reading Hour ambassador.

We encourage everyone to take part, and don’t stop with just the one hour! Holidays are a great time to relax and to read.

Don’t forget that you can access plenty of ebooks and audiobooks on the Wanganui eplatform – you can either download the ePlatform app, there is a link on the Library webpage on the school intranet site, or you can click this link:

All students can log on using their usual school usernames and passwords.

All the audiobooks and ebooks are available 24-7 wherever you have internet access, and can be downloaded for offline use, these resources have a three week loan period. There is a wide range of reading material available, including many award nominated book – and now is a great time to catch up on your reading.


Happy reading!