School Activities

Junior STEM news


We learnt geologists are scientists who study rock specimens!

Theo from room 3 has been sharing with us about his uncle who is a mining geologist and we have been exploring the different specimens collected around Grange.

Our STEM challenges have included making a tower or stack of cups that are stable.

We found that the strongest shapes for building are triangles and pyramids.


Foundation to Year 3 classes with Mr Webb and Ms Bev

News from Room 2 

Last week Room 2 Foundation students went for a walk around the school to look for numbers in our environment. Using the i pads borrowed from the library, students were able to notice and take photos of what they discovered. There are so many numbers in our world, on the classroom doors, on signs, on the playground. I wonder if you can find anymore?


Ms Sarah and Mrs Broadway


It’s hard to believe that we are well into the 2019 school year.

The new April Vacation Care program is now available to view and to download from our website:

Let us give your children a great holiday (and make your life easier at the same time). Enrol for just one day - or as many as you like. The program offers some amazing experiences and we hope you'll love it as much as we do.

Some of the special excursions and incursions include: Zone Bowling and Laser Skirmish, Games 2U mobile game theatre, clay mask workshops, Lego Movie, Morialta Nature Playground and Big Kid’s Day Out at Westfield Marion Shopping Centre.

Places are limited, please be sure to book in advance to avoid disappointment. All families, new and existing are always welcome.


There is a Pupil Free Day this coming Tuesday March 12th 2019. Advance bookings are essential. If you require care on this day, please contact Jasminka to make a booking. Ph: 8353 4917 or email


Jasminka Huskic