Kids Corner

The Kids Corner section of this fortnight’s newsletter showcases the amazing writing talents of our students. I trust you enjoy them as much as I have! 


Stage 4 Lockdown (by Hansiga, Year 2)



Stage 4 Lockdown,
We can’t go to school.
Stage 4 Lockdown,
We can’t go to the park.
Stage 4 Lockdown,
We can’t go shopping.
Stage 4 Lockdown,
We can’t go anywhere.
Stage 4 Lockdown,
We can’t live healthy without you.
Stage 4 Lockdown,
You are a superhero, keep us away from Covid – 19.
Stage 4 Lockdown,
You are our friend! 




Movindee, Year 4, has written a piece titled, The Birthday Party, however it is written through the “eyes” of something which most homes have ……………….. I wonder if you can work it out???


The Birthday Party 
The slams of car doors closing,
The whispers through the night.
The moments with presents filling their hands,
As they march closer.
I panicked in fear,
The one man whose hands were loaded with all of the gifts,
Struggling hard to walk,
His chin helping him hold them.
He trotted towards me,
The moment before the second you fight me.
I get ready in my serious pose,
My eyes closing slowly in fright,
But somehow, you always win!
I screech the sound when you shove me,
I fail to take the victory,
You open the door and handout the gifts,
If only I was invited….
Crowds of people parking their cars,
Children darting from many vehicles,
Jumping up and down in front of the door,
When they push me a dozen times more.
Their sweaty hands stab me,
Booger stuck on every side.
No one knew they were unstoppable,
When they battle me again.
Parents come and punch me too,
Not the lady with the nails!
You cut me in half, I struggle to scream,
“Why do you need a knife?”
No more people out there,
They’ll in the house.
How I wish I could enjoy it too,
I’m the loneliest in the dusk.
Me, in the dark,
It turns to a dense forest.
Owls hoot, grasshoppers chirp,
Will they ever stop?
A while later,
You broke my sleep.
From the snuggly quiet breeze,
To louder than thunder.
It’s the middle of the night,
Kids sleeping in their arms.
I never knew you were as loud as them,
Can’t you even shush?
I hate my job,
Being poked every second.
Stabbed ‘till my skin touches my heart.
And there goes the never ending violence. 


How did you go, have you worked out what Movindee is writing about?

If not, think of something that every guest would touch and push when they visit your home?  


Poems from some of our amazing Year 2 Learners:



My happiness grows when everyone I love is here.
My class fills my heart with joy.
Without you my smile is gone.
Flowers in the air,
Sparkles everywhere.
My smile gets bigger and bigger until it can’t get any bigger.
My heart shines like a crystal.
My thoughts bloom like a flower.How do you feel?


Ranuga - Basketball


Basketball makes me happy.
At the end of the game,
I get sweaty.
I am really fast,
I never come last.
I never panic,It’s not so dramatic.It’s so fun,
It’s not dumb.
When I shoot it goes in,
With a swish.
As I wish.
I dribble the ball up and down the court,
With lots of people’s support!




Dear Mrs Lee

Your teaching helps me see,
That to have a happy life,
Learning in the key!
You understand your students,
You’re sensitive and smart.
You’re a skilful teacher
I knew it from the start.
You’re a star!


Izzy - Worried and Weird


I feel worried when my Mum was in the hospital.
I worried because I didn’t know what would happen next.
My Mum was in a wheelchair for 3 months.
She used it everywhere.
And she kept going to the hospital.
I feel worried and scared.


Pradyumna - I’m Happy


When I play with my little sister,
I feel like dancing and singing like a Rockstar,
Because I’m happy!
When I eat jiggly jelly and yummy cake,
I feel like jumping in joy without a break
Because I’m happy!
When I watch funny videos on my iPad,
I feel excited and laugh like mad
Because I’m happy!
When I look at a rainbow,
I feel calm and relaxed and my face glow
Because I’m happy!


Dusmika - Recycle!


Let’s recycle plastic bottles.
Let’s save electricity and water by turning off the light and tap when we’re not using it.
Let’s reuse plastic bags and use eco-friendly bags
Healthy!Let’s keep the earth healthy by throwing our rubbish in the correct bins.
Let’s protect the environment by not littering.