Year 8 Science

  Plant & Animal Cells

Students in 8B, 8C & 8E have been learning about the structure and functions of Plant & Animal Cells during remote learning this term.  As part of their assessment for this topic, students have researched cell structures and created a 3D Cell Model based on their research.  


The students have created their models from a variety of materials that they have been able to find around their homes. Some even made a cake and decorated it to look like an animal cell - Main picture (above) Dakota Chalson.

Plant Cell - Asma Elnour
Plant Cell - Nicholas Vella
Plant Cell - Anika Najibullah
Animal Cell - Daniel Griffin
Plant Cell - Asma Elnour
Plant Cell - Nicholas Vella
Plant Cell - Anika Najibullah
Animal Cell - Daniel Griffin


Dan Robertson


Science & Maths