MiniLit News

I would like to give a great big shout-out to all parents supporting students in the MiniLit program. These families have an extra two hours of Meets per week, as well as wrangling helper cards, letter tiles, readers, writing materials and e-books.  

It is great to see students progressing during remote learning, even with shorter session times; and if a family member is also listening to the student read each day, I am seeing even better progress! So, thank you to all the families supporting their students so well, both now and in Term Two.  

Decodable books are a great way for beginning readers to achieve success. If you haven’t already used the online series of Australian Decodable Readers, they are easy to use, with some fun stories, and we have access for just one more week.

(Email Miss Forrest for the password if you don't have it already).


Miss Forrest