Assistant Principal

Years 7 and 8 Update

Although learning remotely, maintaining our routines has helped all of us as we have navigated this different space. 


I have been delighted seeing and hearing about the great student work that is happening at year 7 and 8. 


I have had the opportunity to join class teams and hear students discuss work. The Junior school teachers have put in a great effort to cater for students learning remotely and our students have responded to the challenge. I really love the poms- poms the year 7 students made in technology. I have seen delicious treats and  great dinners that have been baked in  the home kitchen. 

The introduction of Minecraft in Maths at year 7 as a trial has been a great experience for many. Imagining life in Medieval times has been great fun for year 8 students who have made artefacts reflecting that period. Across all subjects English, Health and PE and languages our students have engaged in the many activities and projects provided.  

Thank you to the teachers and to the Coordination teams who have worked so diligently. Thank you to our families for your great efforts in supporting your child in their learning; it is very much appreciated. We are looking forward to being together again soon.


Wishing you a safe and happy holiday.


Denise Leggett

Years 7 and 8 Assistant Principal