From the Principal and Assistant Principal 

Welcome back everyone

We were absolutely delighted by the announcement last week that all primary school students can return to school next week.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone, Prep to Year 6, on Monday morning.

Our teachers have prepared a blend of  wellbeing activities and learning tasks to help the students to establish routines, reconnect with friends and focus on learning in the classroom environment.

Please CLICK HERE to read our letter to parents and carers about the return to school.


We have sent a Parent Information pack to all families via Compass outlining the procedures for the return of our students. 

We will use the same procedure as earlier in the year, with a staggered start and dismissal by family groups through all gates except the gate behind the sport shed.

In the mornings the students must hand sanitise on the way through the gates and our staff will be at the gates to greet them.

Please prepare your child for drop off at the gates

Families will recall that our students enter the grounds without their parent or carer, as only staff and maintenance contractors are permitted on site at this stage.

Please talk with your child about saying goodbye at the gate and organise where you will collect them at the end of the day, either at the same gate or at a meeting spot where you will be parked.

Parents, carers and family members must adhere to community restriction regulations

We ask families to talk with their children about the need for adults to maintain social distancing and wear a face mask at drop off and pick up. We know our families will quickly disperse at these times too. 

Whilst we know some families will enjoy reconnecting at these times we ask that this is done away from the school.

We greatly appreciate your understanding. Like you, we want to do everything we can to reduce the cases of COVID-19, eliminate infection and keep the school open.

Please disperse quickly and do not congregate at the gates.

Remember to provide your child with a clearly named drink bottle

Our students will not be able to use the drink taps for health reasons. All students will be able to fill their drink bottle during the day using water containers in classrooms or using the sinks in classrooms. 

World Teachers Day Monday 5th October

World Teachers' Day was celebrated through Education International on Monday by holding a 24 hour televised event around the world, celebrating the work of teachers. There couldn’t be a more important time to recognise the work of all staff  in our schools during this pandemic. Their commitment to delivering high-quality education no matter the circumstances is unsurpassed. 

Student Placement 2021

The creation of 2021 classes and the placement of our students is a complex process requiring many factors to be taken into consideration. Parent information is one part of the process, along with the carefully considered information that teachers gather through their daily work with their students, including their detailed knowledge of their students as learners as well as the way they work and interact with others.


Parents wishing to provide confidential information to assist us in the process of student placement should download a ‘Class Placement of Pupils’ form from the school website  (click HERE to access the form).


Parents are requested to only provide information that may assist their child’s learning and educational needs. Requests for individual teachers will not be considered.  If you have any educational requests related to your child’s class placement in 2021, please complete a form and return to us by Monday 9 November, 2020.

2020 Parents Victoria Online Conference

Parents and carers are invited to attend the 2020 Parents Victoria Online Conference.


The theme of the forum is a Brave New World: Changes, challenges and opportunities for families and schools. This year’s conference program includes presentations from expert speakers and groups on mental health support for students and parents, connecting school communities and engaging families.


Deputy Premier and Minister for Education James Merlino will open the conference and answer questions submitted by schools and families. To submit a question email by Sunday 11 October.


Details on the conference and how to register are provided below.

Date: Monday 19 October 2020

Time: 10am to 1.15pm

Cost: The conference is free but registration is essential.

Registration: The conference will take place on Zoom. Participants will be emailed a Zoom link on 18 October.


For more information visit the Parents Victoria website.

Andrew Fuller Resources for Families

Last term many of our families were able to join the online webinars run by Andrew Fuller, which were found to be highly beneficial. Please find an article below from him which may be of interest. His website also has some great resources for families -  If you find it difficult to read the article below on your mobile device, we have duplicated it on the next page of this newsletter.

Quote of the Week: Happiness

“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better to take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.”  Carl Jung

Gratitude and Mindfulness

What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow?


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Hollowood

Principal                                                  Assistant Principal